South Puget Sound Home Inspections offers inspections to fit your busy schedule.  Buying a home is stressful enough. Our company strives to be flexible to your schedule.  As long as the inspector has at least an hour of daylight to start the inspection, the interior, attic, and crawlspace can be done after dusk.

The Home Inspection includes an inspection of Roofing, Exterior, Garage, Interior, Structural Components, Plumbing System, Electrical System, Heating & Central Air Conditioning, Insulation & Ventilation, and Crawlspace. A written report of the inspection along with pictures are provide within 24 hours but usually that same day.

Manufactured Home Foundation Certifications

Foundation CertificationsIf you are selling or buying a manufactured home, then most likely a foundation certification will be required. For all FHA and VA loans, an engineer's foundation certification is required that states that the home is placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the "HUD Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured Homes", dated 1996 by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

We have partnered with the engineers at Foundation Certifications to provide a turn-key foundation certification service to you. You may place your order online by going to

Request a FREE Quote!

Please include address and square footage of home with request to help determine costs.

SPS Home Inspections
(360) 519-7915 (Call or Text)